Thursday, 15 March 2012

9 Storm, Thursday 15 March 2012

The Mayan sacred calendar measures a different but ever-present realm; it is the layer of the tapestry of reality that connects the Earth, Nature and the human world with the greater cosmos and this day is a wake-up day.

A day of realization -- not a rational understanding, but a soul-felt liberating connection, a memory from the future. A reminder that you were meant to drop that 'thing' you had already planned to let go of, or to break out of 'this'.

A sudden bolt of lightening acts to cleanse, purge, purify and catalyse you. This could include meeting some strange but familiar person.

A good day to feel the spirit of freedom that lives within you.

Storm 9, a day to be alert to a peak experience as a hole in time opens up in the most unexpected place and in the most unexpected moment.

2012 and the Descension of the Nine Support Gods

The Maya of today are a beautiful people who have gone through much hardship and suffering. Within their population there are shamans who keep the days and are connected to the wisdom of the Earth. There are also visionaries, intellectuals and intuitives who have something to say about 2012 that the modern Maya have not contributed.

My visit in 1996-7 with my girlfriend of the time was an extraordinary experience for me where I absorbed the essence of the land and the consciousness that is encoded into the sacred sites. I also felt a deep appreciated for the heart of the modern people. Since then I have been studying, following the days and tuning into the consciousness of the Ancient Maya as best as I can.

The date is an artifact of the Mayan Long Count Calendar which seems to have been developed in what is known as the Classic Period. The roots of development are both hinted at and shrouded by the work academia, ethnologists and archaeologists.

The period 200 or 300-600 AD shows a rapid development of culture, the middle of this epoch in the 7th Century shows an extraordinary flowering. We can not encapsulate the nature of the culture easily.

John Major Jenkins has done a profound study of the calendar, the culture, and its mythos revealing that advanced astronomical information is encoded into their archaeology, myth and custom.

How much of the information that we glean is deliberate and how much is implicit?

This is not an easy question to answer but it looks to be a mix.

What can be said is that the culture during the Classic Period had a unusually passionate focus creating hundreds of pyramids, it was a highly ritualistic culture that eventually decayed. The level of inspirational download that was achieved is very hard for us to imagine, a whole culture relatively cut off from other influences was able to receive direct galactic consciousness, a download encoded with implicit information. The period was unusual, some of it will have been lost to the Maya themselves and much of it would be intuitive rather than deducted. We are basically decoding their inspiration, they had knowledge as well of course, but the information that is inherent is still being decoded now and after 2012.

Lord Jaguar according to the detailed research of John Major Jenkins was born around November 28 or November 30, 612 AD and if this is true his astrology data reveals that he had a striking resonance with the astrology chart of 11:11 21.12.2012. He left us a prophecy at Tortuguero that is tied to this date; this is the only specific mention we have of the exact date, the translation of which is slightly ambiguous. It goes something like this…

…and then it will happen, the nine support gods (who are also one god Bolon Yokte’ K’uh) will descend

The Maya use poetic word play and Bolon is interchangeable with Balan the Jaguar God. I agree here with John Major Jenkins wholeheartedly, the word play is part of their refined consciousness. Lord Jaguar and his priests were inspired, I suspect inflamed with a vision of the future that would have been filtered through the quality of their era.

The Jaguar is the shaman that not only walks the Earth but is a night Lord a stalker of the underworld and is tuned into and is reflecting the stellar realm, as seen on her/his fur.

The 2012 end date is the descension of cosmic consciousness, but it will take time I suspect to penetrate the wall of materialism and idealism that we have created. Behind the debates and reactionism of 2012, lies a more subtle truth.

The frequency might manifest in various ways, no doubt some dramatic events may occur (well they are already aren’t they?) but the actual refined consciousness of Earth’s connection to the cosmos will take decades to filter through. I suggest that we follow the calendar, quietly and attune ourselves to the rhythm of the gestating Earth.

It is good to research and to be engaged with the debate concerning the Maya and the 2012 phenomena but with some detachment. As the consciousness that is descending belongs to the Noosphere which emerges from and yet transcends the info-sphere of the social dialectic.

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