Thursday 31 January 2013

6 Crocodile, Thursday 31 January

Refresh your experience of the ordinary

Today offers nurturing through learning; acceptance of the ever-changing life flow; a slow emergence with a thick viscosity of energy, like the flow of treacle.

Life slowly revolves and returns to experiences, emotional states and environmental atmospheres you have visited before, potentially you can feel more appreciative this time around.

The day offers satisfaction as it is both a flowingly structured and nurturing day. Be prepared to nurture without being possessive or expecting too much from the outcome of your gifts. Receive what life is offering without wanting more.

Enjoy the nourishment of today as a day unto itself; it is a reminder of the value and joy within the existential, the commonplace.

Day Sixes in the timewave are fairly practical, nicely structured days in a flowing manner.

The Crocodile Days represent or are resonant with the primal watery origins of the Earth, the turbulent power of creation held within an embrace. Crocodile is an edgy, instinctive, survival consciousness that belongs to the Goddess who looks after her own. Protective nourishment and sustenance. Base reality, brooding, waiting, stillness yet with great latent power waiting to be unleashed.

The six tone allows that energy to flow in a quite matter of fact quality.


We should also add that Jupiter is at a standstill, exactly yesterday at 11.38 GMT, but will not be effectively moving forward for another 2 or 3 days. If Jupiter is strongly aspecting your natal chart, it can make you feel really stuck, with the mind grasping at information from everywhere, it also square Chiron. If you are feeling that discomfort, know that a release and an accompanying breakthrough in the area of stuckness will ensue soon.

Wednesday 30 January 2013

5 Flower or Lord, Wednesday 30 January

The light of your centre shines out from your heart. Open your heart and vitalize your truth with light, prana and subtle energy. Add power to your truth without concerning yourself with mental chatter; get into the feeling. Power up and flower up. Today is about authentic confidence.

A flower is a temporary celebration of the eternal beauty of the soul, both impermanent in form yet timeless in truth.

Today is the day of the Sun, in all of its radiance, power and all of the ways that it manifests through humans. The Sun can be expressed as spirit, soul and personality. Through a personality the Sun is the charisma, presence and totality of the ego, this can be over bearing, yet it can be entertaining, attractive, magnetic and joyful. Through the soul it highlights our sensitivity, our connection to the inherent light within all things.

In the integrated person, or relatively integrated person it can manifest as the empowered spiritualized human being, a natural gentle yet effective spiritual leader.

Five days are when we gather energy, come to our centre and feel the sense of our life as being all around us, it is a day of self empowerment internally, building the reservoir of energy.

Sun 5 in particular can make you aware of your power and lack of power.

Open your heart, be compassionate with your self and allow the light of your higher self to shine through you.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

4 Storm, Tuesday 29 January

A dynamic re-organization day

A day with something new in it that challenges you to remain true to your truth, your way of life and your purpose, whilst simultaneously adjusting that truth. The challenge then strengthens your foundation.
We cannot have it all. Life is about choice; not all experiences are appropriate to us, but we adapt where necessary.
Old ideas that do not fit your real self are cleansed out of your system today.


Storm is the blood lightening in the body, the activator of the lightbody, that seeks to integrate our consciousness of body, mind, soul and spirit. This activation disrupts our patterning, storm is a power that seeks and demands liberation, drastic change. Storm Days are therefore also the awareness of chaos outside of our space of safety, home and emotional sanctum, the chaos of potential total change.

Change is exciting, change is frightening.

Day four in the timewave is a foundation, energy is held.

The Vulture timewave is strength, part of that strength is patience to hold energy, so today we have to contain the electrical energy and allow it to recalibrate rather than getting fully intoxicated by the thrill of the lightening and its promise of total liberation.

Monday 28 January 2013

3 Obsidian Mirror, Monday 28 January

The mind reflects upon its reflection. Be conscious of the temporary nature of thoughts; feel the energy behind the ricochet of thoughts. The mind does one small piece at a time, seeing just a few degrees of the curve of a sphere—however, 360 degrees of knowledge is required for enlightenment.
See all angles without coming to a conclusion. Enjoy the energy of the intuitive mind.

If you are in tune today you can be in a state of multi-faceted lucidity, as the many faces of a single subject flicker before your awareness.

The essential components of understanding for today

Three Days are the days of movement, we might say they are fickle days, restless days, but the energy of three is momentum, the first essential movement for creation that is closest to source.

The Obsidian Daykeeper is the Obsidian knife, or flint, it s derived from the volcanic glass that can be used for surgery, it sharp enough for that level of precision. Obsidian carries the precision of technology or the precision of the points of separation between dimensions and the clarity of the lazer that can cut out unhealthy energies from the soul.

Tohil the deity associated with Obsidian is called smoking mirror.

Each dimension is an inversion of the last dimension, like a reflection.

Obsidian days will reveal shadow aspects of yourself to you, the discomfort is an ally, for you clear outworn energy from your psyche.

And the Haab
The Haab is the 18 segments of 20 days, plus 5 sacred days, of the Maya Solar Year

Today is also 1 Pax--second day of Pax, the 20 day 'months' begin with day zero--in the Maya Civil Calendar, I am just beginning to study it as I have just made a breakthrough in understanding the integration between Tzolkin and Haab. Gradually I will reveal more this year as I work with it.

I have been going much deeper into the calendar since the Solstice Ceremony, through the use of shamanic connection....stay tuned

Sunday 27 January 2013

2 Earthmover, Sunday 27

Challenge of two dynamic impulses moving in opposite directions—we want this and we want that; give me cake, let me eat it.

Or: Two dynamic impulses pulling you in two directions, neither of which you thought you wanted. Synchronize your field and hold the space, just hold.

Or: You manage to successfully accomplish things in two opposing directions, that ultimately will synchronize as one

You might enjoy the power building up within you today, revving up the engine of evolutionary transformation.

Earthmover is movement, the impulse towards integration, so it stimulates the mind to pull everything you have been working into a unified whole, however as today is a two day, we feel the inherent duality of how we can do that. The practical short term solution competes with the longer term more satisfying endeavour.

Earthmover is also traditionally called incense, the thoughts of heaven.

If your mind becomes stuck in the polarity, especially since this day is empowered with the full moon, then light incense with intent to release the thoughts into the higher realms, give them up and allow the solution to be worked out for you.

Saturday 26 January 2013

1 Vulture, Owl or Warrior, Saturday 26 January

13 days of truth, strength, holding the centre and defending the enduring wisdom of the ages.

The new Warrior Timewave asks you and gives you the opportunity to be true to yourself. Accept the challenge

Strength of mind is needed and resolve is rewarded. Allow in the beam of light, like a laser; invite in a coherent light source from the top of your head, down through your central column and into the ground.

The overriding message today, and the teaching of the whole timewave is to:
  • resist the easy impulse to give into the whims of yourself and others; 
  • come back to your centre; 
  • be the clear light;
  • and notice how other people are naturally attracted to you once you are in that position.

Stay conscious of your heritage, your ancestors, your spiritual tradition, your base humaness and be humble enough not to believe that you know the absolute truth. The challenge for all yogis, meditaters, gurus and pandits is to recognize that the super-spiritual-ego is very sneaky. The bliss of a truth based on purity often blinds us to the cosmic humour, our universal human base, our ancestral heritage and all that we are product of.

Real wisdom has a sense of humour and is anchored in the feeling of being a human being, like all human beings.

In the spirit of this day I honour and respect the Mayan people for bringing this system into the world. I also give thanks to the Mayan spirits and others who have inspired me, taught me, laughed at me and with me and who continue to guide me on my journey of working with this 260-day count.

Friday 25 January 2013

13 Eagle, Friday 25 January 2013

The mind is diffuse, but in a good way, as a wide-spectrum awareness opens the vision. Just relax into it and operate from your inner eye. Accept and allow new images into your being.

The vision will be devoid of inhibiting filters today. A great day for a 360-degree sophisticated perception. A good day for emotional intelligence, offering a profound understanding of feelings and relationships. Insights may well come thick and fast -- overwhelmingly so, forcing the mind to let go as you surrender to the heart.

Thursday 24 January 2013

12 Jaguar, Thursday 24 January 2013

The timewave of the Dark Night, the Foredawn or Abyss, reminds us that ultimately, as Ram Dass says, there is nowhere to stand, no place of permanence. This information can lead to a sense of nihilism, if we are not careful. A fuller understanding allows for both an emptiness -- the clarity of detachment -- and a recognition that we are constantly being asked to choose our life. All is movement, all is in flux, and therefore we traverse a terrain that requires our alertness and responsiveness.

Understanding yourself as an underworld creature, you prowl with pleasure for you fear no evil. No, not because you are the meanest son-of-a-bitch in the whole dam valley, but because you are a player in the game. All systems are switched on, amping up the alertness of your psychic field as it extends out into the jungle.

A good day for emotionally intelligent instincts as you traverse through shadowy realms feeling empowered and vital, present in the game of life.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

11 Reed or Skywalker, Wednesday

Open doors.

Today doors to the sky open up. Great beings are looking down from beyond at your life and you might be looking up at them. Or, you have your space-cadet suit on and are hopping through multidimensional realms.

Today is a day of exploration of ideas. Let part of the mind go into free-fall and free association.

Do not seek conclusions, just follow the inspiration up and down the scale from Earth to Heaven, so as to open the Stargate, the portal between the abstract and practical or the mind-body connective tunnel.

However as with all Reed days we are asked to give thanks for our house, family and food, though the mind wants to roam free we often to accommodate the practicals. Be strong enough to follow the inspiration whilst flexible enough to recognize your role within the community. The dissonant distractions that interrupt your thinking will be the open door and will actually allow you to receive higher truths. 

This is also a good day for prayers of gratitude that ensure our future lives on Earth.

 both of these doorways, other dimensional portals...

Tuesday 22 January 2013

10 Good Road, Human or Grass 22 January 2013

A tangible sense of solidity based on emptiness, as in, your being-ness is the cup or container for consciousness; the abundance of not wanting for “ye shall not want”; the abundance of not clinging nor demanding, for ye are the chalice and the road ahead is expectancy.

A good day to recognize that all human experience, through all stages of consciousness and all human endeavour, is of itself inherently good for those having the experience.

All is good and all is empty, in the Buddhist sense.

Although we know that there are consequences to everything and that purely selfish pleasures—especially of the extreme kind—are destructive to other people, we can recognize that everything that everyone does is motivated by enjoyment.

Enjoyment evolves as we evolve.

Today is a day when we can access the transcendental amorality of all desires, not so that we give permission to the dark, vile and destructive self-serving actions that take place, but merely to expand our perception and acceptance to become more open to what life actually is.
A day where we let go of battling so as to become more open and trusting of life and of the inherent divinity in all life.

This expansive opening of the psyche brings more benevolence, abundance and community connection into our world.

Acceptance overcomes struggle and light dissolves darkness

The deep heartfelt acceptance of what is enables the good, the true and the beautiful to supersede the bad, the false and the ugly.

For what is life when viewed from 10 Road, Grass or Human? It is the ever-expanding journey of life from the lesser to the greater, the ever-expanding discovery of more, the ever-expanding increase in the enjoyment by life of life.

Check out... Outside Looking In

Monday 21 January 2013

9 Monkey, Monday 21 January

Fun-key Monkey

Monkey trickster wakes up to the dirty games of the world and human nature, but with his edgy humour we are challenged not to take the tricks too seriously.

Today is the end of a creative cycle, an awakening moment as you see an extraordinary face of existence in something you are working on. If you are in tune, you will be awed.

A good day to read Carlos Castaneda.

Access your creatively wickedly funny yet conscious self.

More on Time 

The Sun moves clockwise through the Sky, this gives us our external time experience. Even though our clock and calendar are out of sync with the real time time of the body, the clockwise direction of the Sun through the sky still rules our external reality. The Sun and the planets, including the moon moves East-South-West-North this gives us our day, month and year. The clockwise direction is the direction of external unfoldment, evolution and the progression of time, in our day, in our life.

The Medicine Wheel and the Celtic Year are fractal maps of time, time is fractal.

The Other Spin

The Astrology chart runs counter-clockwise, the houses and the Zodiac sequence goes from East-North-West-South. This time direction is the unfoldment from within--it is the descension of consciousness into time/space as we see it, the material plane--this is involution. The Astrology chart is also a fractal map, ie it is a map of your whole life, a day can be a year, the houses unfold developmentally, reflect your daily rhythm yet also represent intrinsic principles that are ever present.

The Tzolkin is also measuring inner time, Crocodile, Wind, Darknight and Lizard for example are of the East-North-West-South, the 260 days is the inner quality of the cosmos.

"by whatever means the Mesoamericans arrived at their choice of 260 days, it is concluded that 260 days is optimum for creating interlocking cycles linking the tropical year and the Synodic periods of the moon, Venus, Mars and Jupiter. If cycles with a common interlock period, with cycle lengths less than 100 years and seeking accuracies better than one day in 100 years are required, there is no other choice"
Quote from here

The number 260 of the Tzolkin is the number that ties together the planetary cycles, it is hidden as it were in the cosmic weave, it is an internal frequency of gestation.

Sunday 20 January 2013

8 Dog, Sunday 20

Today is a day for commitment to your relationships and your own emotional needs and boundaries. This energy will follow on from the previous timewave, which was the Dog Timewave, as you accept the commitment of what you received during that 13-day timewave.

Define your territory in the universe and defend it if necessary. Be true to your own needs.

Commit to the guidance you receive and the guidance you offer. 

The vastness of the cosmos requires us to create an enclosure, a home, a structure -- the expanse of eternity and infinity would swallow us if we did not define a territory. 

Territory is an emotional space filled with those you love and the walls are walls of thought, belief and understanding.

By understanding territory and different scales of space, and the borders, boundaries and gateways, we can connect to other realms. The cosmos is unified in essence but in experience, it is full of separations, one has to recognize the separation and define the boundary between any given space, domain or realm before connecting to it properly.

Saturday 19 January 2013

7 Water or Moon, Saturday 19 January 2013

A powerful day for evocative feeling, a visceral divine memory; something you tangibly feel without actually being physically in the experience.

Radial Time

Today your whole state of mind will be in deep resonance with your emotional body and the various frequencies and issues that are being held within it. Today will provide you with the full gamut of your feelings, from discomfort to joy.

Allow your feelings to flow and you will move through any difficulties to a place more enriching and soul connected.

Time and this Calendar

This calendar is a tool for accessing the qualitative nature of time. We mostly think of time as sequential and regulatedthis is the 'time' ruled by Chronos (Saturn). The Greeks, and those before them, understood that there is both Chronos and Kairos (Chiron) time.

Kairos time is mentioned in the Bible and throughout the mystical traditions as the divine moment, the opportune moment, associated with the crucial moment, the opportunity in crisis. Chiron as a planet cuts inside Saturn and its glyph is a keyChiron consciousness is the key that unlocks the door of linear time/space and gives us access to co-existing multiple time frames. Time exists on multiple densities. The higher the density of time, the more future and the more past exist within the moment. Chiron allows access to the radial nature of time.

This Sacred Calendar is resonant with both sci-fi-futurism and archaic shamanic consciousness, without there being a dichotomy.

Pholus, the second Centauric planet to be discovered in 1992, rules 11:11, the further opening into higher densities of time where future and past selves can merge with the self. Pholus is the opener of the Earth's energy field and the acceleration of extraterrestrial consciousness into our planetary field. Extraterrestrial craft time travel, not through movement as such, rather more through changing density and then locking onto the frequency of our planet. The Stargates are density transformers.

The science of time is the science to come and increasingly there are  many complex scientific papers being written about it. Space is the focus for a materialistic society but time is the focus for a conscious society. Time is the greatest commodity and you already own your time, but everyone else wants your time and vies for it.

Friday 18 January 2013

6 Rabbit or Star, Friday, 18 January 2013

A day that is flowing and moving with sunny spells, abundance and light. Be the dance. Aesthetics and rhythm.

The energy of today is dissipative; it will unlock blocks in your energy field and get your energy moving.

An orderly outpouring of expression that leads to a gentle implosion that penetrates the fabric of your reality

This timewave, the Dark Night, is the timewave that creates a new space, a new womb. Today we can connect to the expansion or expenditure of light. The star must spend its energy before it implodes into a black hole/white hole.

The black hole/white hole is the portal or wormhole to another level of creation.

Quite simply, for you today it means allowing yourself to express the stream of ideas and imaginings and to put out your creative expression as part of the process of emptying.

Today is Friday in the civil calendar, Venus day and Rabbit is an expression of Venus, so the two frequencies are quite in synch, it is a Friday Friday kind of day.

The gradual formation of our present calendar and clock can be traced back to the beginning of recorded history , Egypt, Sumer, and Ancient China. The mechanical clock appeared in 1300s and Pope Gregory adjusted the calendar to its present form in 1582.

This process has been one of increasing order and mechanization for convenience and underlies today modern social structure as it creates the first requisite for civilization, moral order, regulation, the class system, in short the civil calendar and frequency which is necessary for civil matters. The problem is that we have become unconscious of the natural real time frequencies of the body and nature, such as the real day of 23 hours and 56 minutes which accounts for the incremental changes of Sunrise, the Moon Cycle and the yearly quarters. 

It is a natural progression of the idealized civil timeframe that we would reach the point we are at today. As the calendar and our disconnect from natural time frames now supports a moral order based on time is money, which ironically means that our society has become relatively unethical, artificial and fragile. According to that frequency of consciousness we have run out of time, in debt, lacking resources and over populated. Within this timeframe the thinking is that we need more artificial control and order, to conserve and hold everything together, this approach is the problem not the solution.

The organic impulse of evolution means that the imperative is to once again connect to nature, whilst operating with multiple frames. Whether we like it or not we are subject to an array of timeframes, frequencies, cycles...

One of the largest timeframes we are subject to and can access is the Maya Long Count Calendar, which logs the Galactic scale as experienced by body and soul. I remind you, that in that timeframe we have just entered a new evolutionary era.

Last nights scribblings

2012, What Was That All About?

Thursday 17 January 2013

5 Deer or Hand, Thursday 17 January

Be in your centre yet stay connected to the peripheral reality. Feel the energy that breaks in the external world you are traversing. Hold the centre gently and feel the circling energies from the external environment.

Oscillations and vibrations within your being.

Today is a good day to see the world through your shamanic eyes.  The future requires a greater synthesis of consciousness from us, between our modern selves and our archaic body selves. Today is a good day to feel connected to the aliveness of all that surrounds us, in all directions.

Tune into the centre, the subtle and ungraspable energy; feel it without trying to define it or own it.

Tools, like the computer, smart phone are useful, but remember they are tools.

Maybe use the search engine on the net as an extension of your intuition today; feel into the energy emanating from yourself and google it. Today you can attune to the fundamental substance of reality—pure empty consciousness. However, it is slippery -- you can understand it through receiving it, you can be a conduit for it, but you cannot 'have' it or frame it. Allow and navigate with a loose grip and disciplined sensitivity.

The internet is a training tool for our natural psychic sensitivity. If it were to become restricted as a medium of free speech, then we would naturally find that our connection to the Noosphere becomes available.

Hold the truth that your body is the ultimate tool in this world, programmed to self-heal and regenerate if you align with the innate life force and energy field.

Fabulous Noosphere picture above from here

The Medicine Wheel and the Tzolkin

The Medicine Wheel is the clock of real time, and space. Each direction is a point in space and a holographic point in time.  East is birth, sunrise, new beginnings and spring equinox. The Medicine Wheel aligns the four cardinal directions with Equinoxes, Solstices, the Suns movement through the sky, the real day of 23 hours 56 minutes, the four principles of a life cycle and any creative cycle. You, your body sits in the centre. Through the centre of your body is your central channel. It is through your central channel, through moving your consciousness, that you can move up and down the dimensions. 

The Medicine Wheel with the four directions and Mother Earth below with Father Sky above gives us the six directions of the middle world. 

In shamanism we access an upper world and a lower world. The upper and lower worlds are accessed through the gateway of the pineal gland or third eye, utilizing the imagination, activating the plasma two way screen. Once you activate the psychic gateway you move upwards in another dimension or downwards in another dimension, beyond this timeframe of real time, beyond this domain of time/space. The consciousness correspondingly moves up or down the central channel. 

The 260 day rhythm of the Tzolkin is one of the key harmonics, allied to the spiral growth of nature, the Fibonacci and Golden mean, of the movement of consciousness up and down into real time.

The Spiral Movement of Energy is Inherent within the Middle Kingdom

the relationship between the Golden Proportion and the tzolkin is actually quite simple. The Golden Proportion is usually approximated as 1.618, and is symbolized by the Greek letter PHI (rhymes with "why"). One of the qualities of this number which defines it as unique is the fact that 1.618 x 1.618 = 1.618 + 1. (In other words, PHI-squared = PHI + 1). The result is 2.618. Numerology comes into play here, because 2.618 x 100 = 261.8, which approximates the tzolkin cycle. The formula is quite simple, and underlies the amazing relationships we've already discussed: 100 times PHI squared approximately equals 260. I've received some questions about the validity of this claim, mostly on the grounds that it is not precise. The discrepancy is less than 1/2 percent, not bad for any model, and the notion is supported completely by the phenomenological similarity between the tzolkin and the Golden Proportion.  John Major Jenkins