Tuesday, 16 September 2014

1 Jaguar

The Jaguar Timewave brings you into the experience of how everything is alive; this is vitalizing and electric. Life is visceral and this gives you the opportunity to cut through outworn defences and feel connected.

13 days of Catlike instinctive connection begins today; a chance to be responsive to the energy of the Earth and your immediate environment. The energy is more feminine than masculine during this timewave.

The Maya consider the Jaguar to be the Shaman. Instinctive intelligence is body-based telepathic connection -- images and thoughts of a telepathic nature arise from the result of visceral connection to the electroplasmic currents that surround you.

Instinctive soveriegn power, the courage to be who you are without apology and alert to the fact that everything you need right now is available right now. 

Are you riding the waves?

Feel the way the energy of the Sacred Mayan Calendar shifts from one cosmic coordinate to another, teaching you how to shift your assemblage point, as in Toltec Shamanism.

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