Wednesday, 4 March 2015

1 Foredawn, Wednesday

A new time wave begins today, one which asks you to enter the crack between the worlds.

Make space in your life for the new to enter. Stay with the edge of uncertainty and embrace the intangible energy that exists between time and space, action and inactivity, light and dark.

How do we enter the new reality?

Through time and space, open up time and space in your life.

Specifically through reconnecting to real time, whilst still functioning with the civil calendar (artificial time of the normal 60 seconds, 60 minutes, 12/24 hours, 7 day week, 30 day month, 12 month year starting on January 1st). The civil calendar (Saturn Enchantment) being a product of recorded history, a structure that is now eroding and becoming less viable as the determiner of our reality context.

and of course navigating contemporary mainstream time that I will summarize as a memetic

tick-tock-tick-tock, 24-7, on the hour every hour, the city that never sleeps, time is money, keep up, know whats trending, the incessant impulse of material progress and consumption...

So we also need an awareness of

1. The 260 day calendar is the time of gestating potentials and the involution of the soul into linear time-space.

2. Body time aka the real time of  nature which is based on, firstly : the unit of time, the day; sunrise, mid day-Sun at highest point, sunset, midnight-Sun at lowest point;

Secondly: Moon Cycle and thirdly: the Yearly Cycle based on real astronomical factors, ie Solstices and Equinoxes.

There is a lot to say about all of this, but contemplate your daily mode and rhythms, your natural seasonal rhythms and lunar responses...

All scales of time and all measurements of time evoke a corresponding scale and complexity of space

Do you have enough time?
Most of us would say that we do not?
So, this begs the question are we running out of time?
Yes, but only on one level of reality.
We are all feeling a degree of being short of time, an anxiety about how much there is to do to keep our lives together.
There is an urgency in human society, it is not just because we have the internet (more to be involved with) this urgency is within the fabric of the energy field we are walking around in, the very fabric of time/space within the Earth’s electro-magnetic field. There is a planetary change occurring, I doubt whether many people would seriously disagree with the idea that we living in the midst of a large scale transformation of human existence. At the root of this urgency is an imperative to change and/or adapt to the emerging new conditions of life. We are all feeling it personally and reactively but should we not be addressing the cause of this urgency, which is an evolutionary imperative.
What is the evolutionary imperative?
What is the energy field change?
And what is the energy field? 
These are issues that I address in my central thesis...

The Enchantments of Life
A new paradigm that brings together astrology, metaphysics and mysticism with developmental psychology and integral theory to create a new integrated theory of the evolutionary condition of human consciousness.
 An approach that enables you to ask better questions and to inspire you to harness and engage with your vision for life on Earth and within Earth’s domain.
Existence is a co-creation and everyone including you is involved in the co-creation of our manifest experience. The vision you hold and you already do have a vision, is contributing to our unfolding reality. Your vision is your contribution and is valuable, now more than ever as the world we live with undergoes transformation.
The Expansion of your Awareness
We have our existence, our being within different scales of energy fields, each energy field is enchanting us, evoking an experience.
Each scale of energy has a specific calibration based on the way we measure and name time and space, these calibrations are codings hidden in plain sight, part of our commonplace but taken for granted reality. Each enchantment corresponds to a particular embrace of community that comes with a definition of community and a specific ethical consideration, a certain number of people that we identify with and relate to. Evolution of consciousness is an increasing embrace of existence, and expanding connection to more time, space, people and life forms.
The Enchantments of Life reframes all of the issues of our world, be it population, energy, resources, the environment, economy, technology, the way we ingest media and information, our relationship with our time and the spaces we move around in and our role in this life. The Enchantments of Life and the Enchantments Principle enables you to break out of the many impoverished cliches that are inhibiting the human potential.
Laurence James Lucas originator of The Enchantments of Life a new approach for a world in transition 

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