Thursday, 19 November 2015

1 Foredawn, Thursday

A new time wave begins today, one which asks you to enter the crack between the worlds.

Make space in your life for the new to enter. Stay with the edge of uncertainty and embrace the intangible energy that exists between time and space, action and inactivity, light and dark.

How do we enter the new reality?

Through time and space, open up time and space in your life.

I personally am experiencing the sense of an open dark space, full of potential. The world is full of social compartments that are so obviously walled off by fragile belief systems as they are transparently illusory.

The challenge of leaving consensual agreements and stepping into a space of personal truth is to be honoured, it is hard, but one must leave the fakery behind now. The time has come...

Be in the space between spaces and find the security you need within yourself.

The world has never been more surreal, the security it is offering is false. The mass mind is scrambling for solidity in a landscape of passing shadows and projections.

Evoke the personal sanctuary that is your soul.

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