Saturday, 14 November 2015

9 Obsidian, Saturday

A good day to see the shadow and to illuminate the multidimensional mechanisms of nature that condition our moods and feelings. See the causes of those emotions.

Today is a good day to wake up to the way our present emotional space -- our total energy resonance anchored in our feelings -- generates the story we are living. The story we are living in is a continuum that stretches from the ancient past to the far-off future. Our total energy frequency creates a timeline. Change your feelings on the deepest level and change the past -- literally -- and therefore the future.

Aspects from your past return to your awareness today as you see the mirror effect of the cyclical nature of time.

A cycle of reflection ends today as you have a realization of how your past reflects this moment and how your future will have a resonance with your past.

Waking up to the nature of time and the stories we create with others
We live in the present with our companions and together we create our past in each moment and therefore also our future, which springs from our interpretation of the past.

Day 9 in the Timewave is the day we wake up beyond linear time. 9 is a master number in Mayan cosmology and refers to the Lords of Time.

The 2012 era points us towards the past...
The present window of change speaks to us of the future, but in the same breath directs our attention to the ancient past.

...and the Cosmos
The 2012 end date was the end of one Galactic spin of 25,600 to 25,920 years. The world is subliminally being primed to recognize large cycles of time and to remember that the larger context for our reality is truly cosmic.

The Wolrd News in 7 minutes

Yesterday was Friday 13th, a strong Goddess day. A day that dark forces would want to despoil.
In 1307, Friday 13th, members of the Templar order in France were suddenly charged with heresy and arrested. In France, many ultimately, including their leader, were burned at the stake while others were sentenced to perpetual imprisonment. The events in France led to a series of trials in other locations, not all of which had the same outcome.

If you do not understand the occulture of things you cannot understand deep geo-politics, and therefore will be reacting to the news, ie job done for dark forces.

Here is a 5 minutes of video that sums up a significant portion of what is going on at the moment HERE if you are at all interested in what is going on?

Last week I talked in my News and Views from the Nefarium about the quiet meeting that took place in Berlin between Laurent Fabius, the French foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeir, the German foreign minsiter, and Sergei Lavrov, their Russian counterpart. The subject of the meeting was, I suggested, a quiet geopolitical earthquake, for the German and French governments appeared to be breaking ranks with American policy in Syria. from here

and of course and loads everywhere on this just add Rome into the mix and there you have it...

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