Sunday, 20 February 2022

11 Rabbit (Star)

[Sunday 20 February 2022]

Doors within doors to be opened today.

Image found on google

11 Rabbit is a Stargate kind of day. Maybe it’s not ET contact of the fourth kind for you today, but you might feel the fertility and light that is infusing the day. Where does it come from? It is your monadic essence and it is in resonance and at one with beings throughout the universe.

Today is a doorway to spiritual abundance and/or what might feel like a collapse of the light or euphoria into the black hole. The reflection of the radiating light is the toroidal flow back into the centre. Rabbits surge out of their burrows and radiate in all directions, then they all disappear underground.

Image created by our friend Kookie Birjukov
for one of the projects Laurence and I
were working on several years ago

Yesterday, being Day 10 of the Obsidian Timewave, manifested as a frozen moment, a manifest form of energy, which today (as ever on an 11 Day) dissolves… The control and structure of yesterday’s Grasp (aka Deer or Hand) gives way to diffuse and fertile light, which is flowing in toroidal form.

The challenge is how to integrate this radiant cosmic energy without getting scattered. The energy of today is beautiful and subtle, and yet out of resonance with limitation, containment or practical concerns.

Image found on Pinterest

Creativity and destruction are mirrors. The sense of impermanence of our highs is a clue to the dynamic nature of creation. The cycle of creativity includes the fallow moments, which then lead on to new inspiration.

Explosion and implosion in every moment…

A good day to give praise to and accept the blessings of life.

Image from here

The holographic nature of reality is revealed in the understanding
that the basic unit of all life is a toroid.
It is a fractal reality, where the form can be found on every scale of creation.
The toroid is not static; it curves in on itself and twists into the centre
with an energy that is known as a torsion field.
The torsion field generates the spiral pattern of all growth,
as in the Fibonacci sequence
Laurence James Lucas

Image found on google

Here are some interesting links to contemplate today:

The electromagnetic field generated by the heart is the most powerful rhythmic energy field produced by the body:
Each Individual Impacts the Field Environment

The Energetic Heart:
'The Energetic Heart Is Unfolding'

'Exploring the Role of the Heart in Human Performance'

Image: Copyright © HeartMath Institute

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