Monday, 4 July 2022

2 Wind

[Monday 4 July 2022]

Feedback, receiving communications and releasing ideas.

Dancing with the Wind, by Carey

Challenges may arise with communication, delays, arguments, difficult decisions and more. Hold steady, for today is 2 Wind.

Our blocks, created by the duality within us, reveal themselves today. First, accept the situation in order to move beyond the duality lock.

Wind is an activator, the Breath, the Word, the Spirit that Initiates. Day 2 is duality. Wind is changeable and adaptable; it can be destructive, but it is always refreshing.

Image by Adrian Sommeling, from here

Potentially, this is a day of black-and-white divisions and opposites, as well as the clarity of knowing what you like and what you don’t like, what you need and what you can let go of.

The evolutionary impulse of spirit towards greater union is an oscillating process of merging and separating, cooperation and competition, dependence and autonomy.

Today, hold the space to separate that which has become a conglomeration – and which thus feels inert – so as to be ready to move forward.

Image of the Hunab Ku,
found on google

Become the Captain of your own Enterprise and make a black-and-white decisive move.

Prepare to make it so...

Image found on google

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