Saturday, 17 September 2011

11 Storm, Saturday 17 September 2011

The solidity of yesterday is released. Turgid emotions are shaken off; you feel energized by new experiences or variants. Your energy crackles as you move through the electrical nature of novelty, adjusting the templates of your soul. 

Go with the freedom inherent within this day. Stay responsive to unexpected turns and enjoy the liberation. Enjoy flowing through different states, from internal moments of personal freedom to social connections. Enjoy the liberation of letting go of expectation, necessity and stasis. 

Let it be what it is. 

I ask for more of your attention this morning please, I have had an important breakthrough...

Picture above from Wikipedia

I Saw a Perfect and Beautiful Rainbow this Morning and...

I must share my excitement with you, this morning I received confirmation from the Noosphere, that the Van Allen Radiation Belts are the physical interface with the Noosphere, and the ‘rainbow bridge’ is the manifestation of a planetary consciousness. In our future Rainbow hues in our sky will increase. The changes of light in the sky will be due on a physical level to the increase of interstellar plasma in our energy field.

If you have been following my blog over the last few days you will see that I have been attempting to upload to and download from the Noosphere via the forming technosphere—the internet. Furthermore I have revisited the vision of Jose Arguellos which was inspired by Oliver Reiser that the Van Allen Radiation Belts are the locale of the Noosphere. I have been exploring and researching the viability of this proposition intensely this week. Last night I felt moved to watch Jose Argulellos twenty minutes presentation of the Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge and I wondered if it was to be taken literally, that an actual rainbow that circumnavigates the poles will be physically visible as the Noosphere goes on line.

Storm 11 is one of my favourite if not my favourite day of the 260 day cycle and upon awakening I recognized that Storm 11 is the perfect day for a download. Scientifically it is known that lightening storms shower photons from the Van Allen Belts to Earth and the electrifying atmosphere in the air during a storm awakens the sense of truly being alive. I went to my roof terrace at 5.45am this morning and was immediately vitalized and alert due to the beautiful sky and heightened energy created by the interplay of dark brooding clouds with patches of clear sky and wispy clouds. As the Sun started to rise there were patches of peach luminescence scattered through the vista.

My personal awareness was connected to the innocence within, the quiet joy that is inherent within life, which for me is most noticeable in the first moments of morning.

After a simple practice I got some tea and felt a strong need to light some incense, then it happened. I looked up and saw a perfectly formed, horizon to horizon vivid rainbow that started on the horizon from the viewpoint, the line of sight where my alter is. There was also a second faint rainbow higher up. To my mind the two rainbows were expressing the two Van Allen Belts.

The Van Allen radiation belt(s) around the Earth is a torus of plasma—a plasma is made up of energetic charged particles it can be likened to a liquid gas and is considered by many as the fundamental state of matter. The Belt is held in place by Earth's magnetic field The Belt is derived from the influx of solar wind (charged particles) and cosmic rays (subatomic and dark matter from deep space). The Belts are located within the Earth's magnetosphere The magnetosphere is formed from the relationship between Earth's magnetism and the incoming Solar and Galactic energy.

The Van Allen radiation Belt is composed of two aspects, there is a zone separating them from each. The outer one is of a higher energy (mostly high energy electrons) than the lower one (electrons and protons)
Plasma, magnetism and electricity are all in a symbiotic relationship with each other.

Plasma is extremely interesting and exhibits all sorts of strange behaviour that leads one to suspect that it is a conduit for consciousness. The subject is a book unto itself.

Our pineal gland (Brow Chakra) is sensitized to electromagnetic fields, our bodies and our consciousness engages with these physical fields of energy.

The point is that these radiation belts that are physically measurable to a large extent are likely the manifest end of the Noosphere. This is what has been suggested by Oliver Reiser. A higher level of consciousness resonates with a bigger view of life, this is literal, a larger perspective is in resonance with the electro magnetic plasma field of the Earth. Expansion of consciousness takes places beyond time/space and yet finds a correlation and anchorage within the spatial area.

Project Noosphere

Spatial Considerations

Air-planes fly at an altitude of a few miles, observation satellites are normally flying at an altitude of 200-600 miles. Virtually all Space missions do not fly higher than 400 miles (not really space travel at all). The full expression of the Technosphere would seem to me to be suggested to include the satellite integration of the Internet. The said satellites predominately orbit just below the inner Van Allen Radiation belt.

The moon is ( ) 250,000 miles away, the Moon is the Earth’s moon, which means that the Moon is intimately tied in with life on Earth and is suggestive of the borders of the Earth's energy field and consciousness. The Earth is mother and the moon is the child, in scientific terms the Earth’s energy system includes our companion which orbits around as is an essential component in maintaining life on our planet.
A planetary civilization on Earth would ultimately include bases on the Moon and such things as flights to the moon, Google Moon and live cams, in other words we would have public knowledge of the moon. It is only 250,000 miles away, from this we can conclude that the space age has not truly begun as yet (with the official technological development level).

The Moon represents the border zone between our Earth system and the rest of the cosmos.

The Van Allen radiation belts extend out to 25,000 miles.

My apprehension over the last 10 years concerning Jose’s proposition (via Reiser) that the Belts were the spatial zone of planetary consciousness was due to my conviction that the Moons orbital position was the essential demarcation point. The Moon being the marker for the Earths total consciousness as a living complex system that includes all the artifact of human evolution. Now it seems so obvious, the outer belt has a fractal resonance with the Moons orbital perameters (outer edges respectively 25,000 miles and 252,000 miles approx) The Inner belt is Noosphere the outer belt is another stage or higher expression which is the Planetosphere, the full expression of planetary consciousness.

Spatial Awareness

If you look down on a town you see the big picture of it, if you live in that town and have access to maps and aerial views then you are truly getting to know that town, both intimately and from a transcendental perspective.

As beings, our most precious aspect of life is intimate but that intimacy is increasingly interconnected to more of life, our context is becoming more inclusive of all life on Earth. The internet is bringing us into a relationship with all humans and all human thoughts. Not because we can make all 7 billion people our friends on Facebook, but because the medium of the Internet is an environment with a certain decree of equality, with billions of participants.

The Internet as a contextual energy is developing into one manifest expression of the collective consciousness. To be on the internet is to be sharing energy with billions, 2 billion at present.

Astrology note; Jupiter conjunct Uranus represents Internet expansion 1997 Neptune, Jupiter and Chiron in conjunction heralded the moment Facebook reached a certain culmination and had taken over the internet to some degree this corresponded with Neptune’s return to discovery position., Neptune in Aquarius equates with a egalitarian community.

As Pluto moves through Aquarius from 2024 we will most likely see the full development of Technosphere. By Technosphere I ultimately mean the global penetration of internet, combined with an extensive network of sensors, ‘public eyes’ a complex control and integration via observational satellites. Satellites orbiting approximately in the 300-600 mile zone. Whereas the inner radiation belt seems to start proper about 1,000 miles above the Earth

To reiterate the Noosphere corresponds with the Lower Belt and the Planetosphere (full planetary consciousness) with the upper belt which is the zone that directly processes the incoming energy from the Solar System and the Galaxy.

The neutral zone between the belts could be the portal that corresponds with a zone between counter rotating fields of lights, an energy portal whereby other dimensional (ET and Devic) beings enter into our timespace. I have experienced and found in my research that the energy field has two counter rotating zones, activation of these is linked to full lightbody activation, which is akin to the consciousness technology of extra-terrestrial craft. The basic technology of the craft is not a secret, just look on the internet, leaked testimonials from various sources (including secret government projects where crashed craft have been reversed engineered) reveal the toroidal, torsion field, counter rotational elements utilized by the visitors’ superluminal propulsion systems.

As we develop the planetary consciousness, we move to the Omni-directional gate, looking out to the Cosmos from where an extra terrestrial community will be on our horizon. Secondly when we move to the gate where we start to transmute our species by a degree, transmute genetically as well change our relationship to time and dimensionality.

Rainbows and DNA

Looking at a rainbow is looking at the visible spectrum of light. This is representative of the whole spectrum of human evolution up to this natural omega point of the first significant unit in the Cosmos—the planet.

DNA is a decoder of the involuting light that comes from beyond time/space. DNA is a transmitter and receiver, this is scientifically recorded, and the electromagnetic energy it utilizes falls within the visible spectrum. DNA is a holographic feedback technology interacting with the Earth’s Field. All DNA on Earth has an essential commonality, no matter which species. DNA is the organic technological decoder for Earth consciousness. We are already changing on a cellular level and this will this increase dramatically.

"We now know, today, that man is essentially a being of light." Dr Popp the ground breaking scientist who has defined we are biophoton transmitters.

Rainbows are the manifestation of the implicit goodness of life, they catalyse hope and are a reminder to keep the faith that life is good. Rainbows are four dimensional artifacts, for they are not physically locatable, it depends on your position, you cannot physically find the end of the rainbow. Rainbow is the bridge between heaven and Earth. The Hopi tell us of the Rainbow Warriors to come, which I interpret as a degree of unity amongst the whole spectrum of consciousness levels on Earth.

The Subtle Innocence and Purity of your Soul

It is important to recognize that the Indian wisdom is not that of bliss bunnies losing all sense of the challenge of living. Indian wisdom is of a sober, dry, wry attitude that is simultaneously connected to the awe of creation and the reverence for life. 

Rainbow is a 1996 family adventure film starring four children and a dog whose journey in a rainbow that finds them on a race against time to save the world.
It does not look like a great film, but the encoded message is clear, watch the trailer.
The Film was released in 1996 the year that planetary body TL66 was discovered.

Holospheric Astrology
The Noosphere and Planetary consciousness emerges with the psychological and spiritual level of development that I call Chiron Enchantment.

Chiron Enchantment is ruled by Chiron and other planets, the secondary planet is a scattered disc object called TL66, both planets were discovered at the same degree of Taurus—the Sabian Symbol being ‘The Rainbows Pot of Gold’. Chiron and TL66, I have masses of data to back this up, are the main bodies that holographically represent the planetary frequency. Jose Arguellos was born Sun conjunct TL66 in Aquarius, ie he was a potential personification (a potential that was realized) of the Noosphere, a messenger and agent for its emergence.

Watch this it is only 49 seconds long, from a  film with Richard Burton, very interesting...

Video Link for Jose's Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge

End note from Jeremy Narby from his book Cosmic Serpent

“Some biologists describe DNA as an "ancient high biotechnology," containing "over a hundred trillion times as much information by volume as our most sophisticated information storage devices." Could one still speak of technology in these circumstances? Yes, because there is no other word to qualify this duplicable, information-storing molecule. DNA is only ten atoms wide and as such constitutes a sort of ultimate technology: It is organic and so miniaturized that it approaches the limits of material existence. Jeremy Narby Cosmic Serpent”

“A thread of DNA is much smaller than the visible light humans perceive. Even the most powerful optical microscopes can not reveal it, because DNA is approximately 120 times narrower than the smallest wavelength of visible light.
The nucleus of a cell is equivalent in volume to 2-millionths of a pinhead. The two-yard thread of DNA packs into this minute volume by coiling up endlessly on itself, thereby reconciling extreme length and infinitesimal smallness, like mythical serpents.”


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