Surrender to life today and it should treat you well. The Cosmic Mother force: “Strong it is.”
The soul's need for nourishment is revealed to you today. Your soul, and those around you, have a heightened sense of the need to be fed with more universal love and nourishment.
The Link between Noosphere, Rainbows, Lightbodies and Developmental Psychology
The full activation of Planetary Consciousness is the activation of the Planetary Lightbody by another name. The Lightbody is the expression of the whole light—the white light—which is the integration of the Rainbow Body. The Noopshere would seem to correspond with the Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge that Jose Argüelles foresaw.
The Rainbow Body was introduced to me in a startling dream in the 1990s—and which I subsequently found was something known about by many cultures including the Tibetans. The rainbow body on an individual or collective level is the expression of all frequencies of light. Before we can transmute or ascend we have to have an experience of all that we are. The human experience of the rainbow body is something akin to an existential experience, it is not merely the blissful joyful high of our new age inspiration it is the acceptance of our multi-frequency psyche. The existential experience which is the early awakening of the level of development I call Turquoise Enchantment is the realization and acceptance of the totality without pursuing the burning desire to change, evolve and become a higher being.
The individuals who reach this level of awareness have transcended the need to escape themselves and have left behind the idea of being superior. Why is that? It is because we are all human, we all contain the same developmental levels—the Enchantments of Life. You cannot escape humaneness. This is true as far as I have witnessed and that includes extra-terrestrial walk-ins and those who feel the stellar origins of their soul. In a similar vein, the overt projection of holiness by spiritual teachers and gurus is an interim trip. Every human has some kind of sexual desire, sensual appetite and or a need for power. In many spiritual teachers the intoxication of power enables them to transmute some of their sexual needs. Power, sex and the Kundalini life force that drives evolution, are all entwined. I am not condemning Gurus, its just the way it is and the charismatic spiritual leader serves an important role in waking people up. Those who hang onto the every word of a guru are having a good trip, but sooner or later it will reach its fruition and they will return to being human. I am not being cynical or depressing, this whole scenario is quite wondrous.
The existential condition is the full appreciation of the theatre that we are embedded within, it is the start of ego death and nobody rushes towards the death of their self. The Turquoise Enchantment begins with the sense of awe of how the whole world is this magnificent web of interlocking interdependent forces that all serve a purpose and all are magnificent in their own way. I am drawing upon empirical observations by Dr Clare Graves, Susan Cook Grueter and other researchers who have got their results from the scientific method as well as my own lucid moments.
The rush of desire for spiritual evolution, as expressed by many of us including such people as Andrew Cohen of ‘Enlighten Next’ takes us, leads us to the space where paradoxically we then realize we can not totally change. The forward momentum of Neptunian bliss is expressed as the realization of planetary Ascension. However it is an inner vision, incomplete, because before the full Planetary Ascension can occur, the individual and a significant segment of society has to move through Pluto Enchantment. In Neptune Enchantment the focus has been on the inner self and the need to be and express the True Self, which is actually an internal ideal a very valid sense of the soul, but not the whole truth of the self.
In Pluto Enchantment the individual comes back to focusing on the external world and the understanding of paradox. The evolutionary imperative to evolve is apparent yet it is tempered with the enjoyment of life as it is…what is the rush? The self is responsive to the social situation but now has a degree of self control and freedom.
The interdependence of the self means that the individual is not wholly committed to any particular mindset, the detachment comes from the realization and experience that we cannot be holy from trying to be totally holy or pure. Why would you want to deny the pleasures of the city, the cacophony of the population create a buzz, the unfolding trends and dramas are entertaining even though they uncomfortable and even painful, but the whole shebang is vital. Why would you want to deny your expression of sex, your enjoyment of food, good wine, or a beer with your friends in a pub? All theatres are now available and sure the decadence of material existence is apparent yet the world is very interesting. There is no complete healing; that idea misses the point of creation and existence, for to clear all of your stuff would be to deny the best of the modern world.
The self now manages the polarities of desire, never fully, never totally in control, therefore organically becoming more humble. But to say to the person that they are humble and wise would be a hideous embarrassment; the self does want the chains of too much public acclaim especially as they know themselves enough to realize the essential ordinary humanness of themselves.
There is no effort to be humble in fact there behavior can be the opposite, but humility is there as life experience kicks the shit out of self importance.
The extreme end of acclaim is fame. To be famous is to be public property. Yet of course the self wants some recognition, but not so much that it gets out of hand. All desires fulfilled create extreme polarities and the person does not want the consequences of having to free themselves again from the label, the box that other people will put them in. The person does not want to disappoint or disillusion the idealist, does not want to have to play aloof, rude or obnoxious just to relieve themselves of the heavy burden of an expectation and projection. The individual cares, but will not be martyr, if they can help it, for that is somewhat pointless. The person whose centre of gravity is in Pluto Enchantment just wants to be themselves—and wants others to be themselves. Freedom comes from playing in the game without be stuck in the game. The intention is play the game to keep the game going, rather than play the game to win the game. Spontaneity, adaptability, commitments that serve the person, ambiguity, paradox and the freedom to move and to choose that which is enjoyable in each moment all go hand in hand. The normal situations exist. The anxieties and concerns of survival, the need for love and need to help others that come with emotional conflict are now a natural part of ones life rather than the total truth of ones life. Life has to progress if it can, but life can not be solved completely. The final solution would be to deny existence and experience. The self struggles with progress and the ever unfolding information of what is new, knowing it’s an entertainment, knowing that survival requires one to engage with life. For if you don’t engage you are not in human society. The dilemma of engagement is that the options of experience in the new age, the corporate world, the money game, the truth movement, the UFOlogy scene, the religion, the family, the what-the-fuck-ever can become cul-de-sacs if full membership is signed up for.
Chiron Enchantment, the whole forward momentum slows right down yet further.
The Turquoise Enchantment is an experience of the total energy field as it passes through the mind. The self now experiences the fact that the present situation and condition of life is the inevitable result of all the other Enchantments expressing themselves. All is as it is. The past evolutionary epochs still coexist in the form of the myriad of human expression that we see all around us in the world—the developmental levels of the psyche—cannot be fully stopped from playing themselves out.
The reactions of the fundamentalist religious urge or moralist self to dark manipulative forces and to material decadence create a counter reaction from materialism and rationalism which then creates a counter reaction from idealism and new spiritualism which then creates a reaction from existentialism. The levels of self all the way down the Enchantments create an oscillating focus, that progresses consciousness and society enabling a degree of more benevolent abundance to manifest. The whole game of evolution has progressed society for the better, but the problems are still there.
As the evolutionary game sppeds up as it now, then all of the problems surface and things appear to be potentially heading for total destruction or total resolution.
Once the self has done the journey, then and only then can the self experience viscerally that existence is awesome as it is and nothing can be done to stop the game. Once that experiential (can’t be conceptualized into being, cant be merely decided upon) consciousness emerges then the frequencies of light, the Enchantments within the self are harvested, they are transmitted. Because the self now not only allows the different needs to surface, the different desires to be heard, but also has now detached identification from these sub personalities. The harvest is the gradual disintegration of the ego, the rainbow spectrum of the self (which is light, literally) can then circulate through the self into the Earth’s energy field (the Van Allen Radiation Belts). The person is expressing yet not attached to each level of her/his self and therefore is not blocking the energy flow, or containing within their energy filed. The mind is now truly opened, for it is the mind, it is thought, that creates the boundary that stops the toroidal flow of energy through self and environment. Our personal boundary is the idea that we are separate. The individual knows for sure that they will never know it all, this means not just as an idea. Not the idea that the total truth can never be known, (or that there is some simple truth on how to live, if we can discover it) but an energy shift that means they experience the fact that the information game was never going to reach a conclusion.
The Noosphere becomes self conscious through the individual.
At a later stage, the spectrum integrates as white light, then the timelines shift, Armageddon is avoided, the planetary ascension occurs and Earth starts to enter into the next level of the game—the Cosmic Game and extra-terrestrial community.
How does this apply to the world now in 2011?
For now I will just briefly make an incomplete appraisal, which is only one way of looking at it.
The Human species life force has become accessible and unstable. The transformation towards, a planetary civilization first begins with the dissolution of the fixed structures and that is why the dark agenda has speeded up. The manipulations from Jupiter Enchantment cabals who work behind the scenes of the economic theatre are gaining effectiveness as they seek total domination. The religious fundamentalists, many of which nowadays are also right wing capitalists (what a laugh hey) who on one hand simplify the world are also more viscerally aware of the dark forces. They form a significant contingent of the truth movement. The Uranus Enchantment is oblivious to it all and just sees market forces, which is also true to an extent, economic forces are also vying for greater profit and creating a degree of stability. The alternative movement is more conscious of the dark agenda and yet the potential of an important shift on planet Earth. In fact this could be the next evolutionary shift a values shift from Uranus to Neptune. The Pluto enchantment individuals shift from perspectives to perspective as the energies dance around. Moving in and out of each theatre.
The future is not fixed; the world could potentially be destroyed (although I personally doubt it). So this means everyone must play their role, the timelines are wobbling and absolute predictions are pointless. However it is safe to safe the next couple of decades are excessively interesting. At some point, perhaps within a few decades the whole evolutionary force will start to slow down, this is something I often ponder upon, but I guess we will have to wait and see…
If the world’s centre of gravity shifts from Uranus Enchantment (materialism) to Neptune Enchantment (spiritual revival) then…well I will leave it at that for now and leave you to receive your own vision…
Provocative thought for the day...Dragon is same as Dinosaur
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