A day emphasizing internal energy. Be detached and observe the world all around you. Feel the core sense of being awake to all that surrounds you.
2012, the Millennium and 9-11
It is important to understand the Millennium if we are to understand 2012.
In the 1990s we collectively felt this great anticipation, coupled with a futuristic inspired imagination. The Internet emerged into our lives and we now lived in an age of information, technology and seemingly unlimited potential. The filmography spawned a host of films that questioned the nature of reality, creative thinkers were inspired by the idea of virtual realities and this brought the consideration that what we call reality itself is a construct, or can be constructed.
The year 2000 would seem to have been a let down, the forward momentum was lost and the social terrain of the decade seemed to have no definitive flavour when compared to previous decades. The energy went backwards, to some degree, rather than forwards, the brakes were applied. The filmography started to emphasize history and reinventions of stories from the past.
When the numbers 2000 appeared on 1st January 2000, we were subconsciously reminded of two thousand years of history. The encoded message included the reminder of the baggage of our past. The date is a Christian date of course, so the theme of the religious war is also inherent.
The astrological significator of the Millennium was Chiron conjunct Pluto, which tells us of the opening of the unconscious, the buried emotions of the past, and the power struggles of history emerging. The future evolution of our species involves deep connection to the life force, the issues of power, the underworld and the need for release of hidden compulsions in order to empower our progress as a species. Pluto Lord of the Underworld is the keeper of buried treasure, it rules the Volcanic, the release of pent up energy that once released provides fecundity (as in the soil around Volcanoes is very fertile), buried within the murkiness of the hidden corruption, survival, oppression, abusive manipulation lies liberation. Releasing the hidden unconscious energy by firstly peering into the dark depths of reality leads to a transformation.
This first ever conjunction of Chiron conjunct Pluto, (since their discovery) signifies that we have conscious access to the life force, the creative power of nature. The Millenium was a seed point for a fundamental evolution of our species, a transformation of the very living substance, the ground of reality. This power that we as a species can now access, has to be engaged with consciously. Ignore the power of technology, and consciousness at our disposal and it will manifest through default, a lower level of expression.
It is important to realize ‘what just happened’, because the millennium is still recent and the millennium changed the social environment. If we are not conscious of that change then we will not consciously understand the further emergence in this 2012 era.
A Theatrical Presentation
The Millennium Event, the moment that expressed the new decade most obviously was 9-11. This dramatic, unthinkable event sent a charge of shock around the world.
9-11 is very uncomfortable, we want it behind us, it is traumatic and ‘tired’. However you cannot ignore 9-11, it has been used to change the economic, political terrain and has effected us all, by colouring the background context in which we live our lives.
The official version of 9-11 is ludicrous, farcical, and outlandish (watch the video at the bottom of the page if you still doubt this). It was presented to us by a weirdly comedic President. George Bush as President of the United States of America was considered the leader of the free world (oh-my-god) with his inappropriate remarks and inappropriate grimaces, jokes and the general sense of a man disconnected somehow from reality he was a revelation concerning our social system. Here we had a man whose words were transmitted across the planet and whom looked like a Peter Sellers version of a president. Theatre.
Nobody really wants to talk about this 10 years later. Most of us want this to just go away. Why are so many of us still talking about this, why is it so important?
Because for 10 years ‘the establishment’, that is all all political parties within many countries and throughout all mainstream media maintain a picture within the public domain which makes no sense whatsoever. There is a false story consensually agreed upon throughout ‘the establishment’ this is the important point. The exact truth of who did it or how exactly it happened is not the main point.
How did two towers collapse after being hit by planes, another high rise building collapsed through mere fright, the pentagon was hit by an invisible plane, the US air defence was no where to be seen….and so on, there are innumerable unanswerable points if you examine the evidence.
How did 9-11 happen the way it was reported to have happened, certainly none of this makes sense from a military, scientific and engineering point of view.
So surely there should be open public debate, several investigations, many large scale and open inquiries, but this is not happening, why not, this makes no sense in a democracy that prides itself on free speech and empirical investigation.
This not about Bush Chaney and the Neo-cons its about the 'establishment', why is the investigation of the truth…whatever that truth is….being blocked? This incredibly dramatic historical moment, should be researched exhaustively in the public domain.
9-11 was the wake up call to all of us. The millennium was an important marker of history; the millennium moment was 9-11.
A film that captured the imagination of many (leading up to the Millennium) that carried a profound message, suggesting that we live in a matrix an artificially engineered society. Neo’s passport in the film had an expiry date, 11th September 2001. Neo’s passport expiration date tells us that the time to stay asleep within the matrix ended 9 September 2001
9-11 was a moment to wake up to the Matrix, the illusion
9-11 lets you see the limits of our system, the limits to free open enquiry (same can be said for the Banking collapse) there are many professional produced investigative documentaries that should be aired on television…but they are not aired. Violence is not censored, gore is prevalent but inquiry concerning political truth is censored.
Once a society is shown to be fraudulent it collapses, this is the truth of history.
We are moving, no sorry we have moved into a vast new reality, our landscape of reality has expanded beyond that which could be imagined even a couple of decades ago.
This is exciting, but first we need to move through the door, accept the challenge to see that the powers that be ‘the establishment’ do not want you to know how incredible our reality has become.
The immensity of our potentials outweigh all of the crises we see before us, crises such as hunger, pollution, resources, ENERGY, money etc. There is an undeniable agenda serving those who have the biggest investment in the old reality, to stop you seeing that it is finished. The quaint world we believed in during the 20th century collapsed in seconds on that fateful day.
We are being called upon to break free from a hypnotic trance that has served us, as part of our past evolution, to some extent. No longer.
It does not serve us now, we are being called upon to look at 9-11 and remain calm but act on the fact that there are some awfully big lies being told to us by many of the most prominent people and institutions in our society.
9-1-1 is the emergency telephone number for North America. You call 9-1-1 to report a crime, to get help, to get immediate help.
It is a cliché but it is not an exaggeration to say, it is time to wake up, wake up to the ‘establishment’ and wake up to the fact that we need to consciously engage with our power.
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